• Wilczy Szaniec | Wolfsschanze | Wolf's Lair

Wolf’s Lair historical photos

Old, historical photographs of Wolfsschanze

It is a collection of historical photos depicting location, infrastructure, everyday life, residents and guests of the Wolf’s Lair and its post-war fate. All photos have a historical purpose and they absolutely do not propagate ideas related to Nazism or Fascism. The task of this collection is the most accurate and the most comprehensive documentation of Adolf Hitler’s Former War Headquarters in Gierłoż, and this is a historical role.

If you have photos of the Wolf’s Lair, which we do not have in our collections, and which you would like to share with other users – contact us. We are happy to publish them in this gallery with source and proper copyrights.

Infrastructure and bunker intersiors

Wolf’s Lair after the war

Photos come from private collection, as well as sources such as: wikipedia.org, nac.gov.pl, bundesarchiv.de, LIFE.